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Novak Djokovic took some criticism for his inadvertent yet rude treatment of a ballboy (see video above) during Sunday’s Miami Open final with Andy Murray, receiving a code violation warning after he snatched the towel from the kid’s hands while he was yelling at his coaching box. The whole incident was relatively harmless, but Djokovic, in our humble opinion, did step over the line with his behavior.

More: Djokovic Wins "Double Triple" in Miami

We’ve said it many times and we’ll say it again. Ballkids work hard for zero pay, handling players sweaty towels and chasing down their balls all day in the hot sun. They deserve respect, and players, as a rule, should try to direct any and all animosity and angst they feel on the court away from these volunteers, out of respect and due to the fact that it isn’t the ballkid’s fault.

Okay, that said, it was nice to see Djokovic spend some time to make an apology on social media for his actions on Sunday. Kudos to the Serb, who didn’t mean anything by it and was clearly just a little hot under the collar about the match, for realizing the error of his ways and broadcasting the following:


Just to conclude these fantastic few weeks with a short message to you all. Thanks for supporting me! Amazing start of the season with wins in Australian Open, Indian Wells and now Miami. Looking forward to the next challenges - on clay! Next event is Monte Carlo. Na kraju ovih par fantasticnih nedelja u Americi, zeleo bih ovim videom da vam se od srca zahvalim na podrsci. Imao sam jako uspesan pocetak sezone i radujem se novim izazovima. Pocinje sezona sljake :) Na redu je Monte Carlo!

Posted by Novak Djokovic on Sunday, April 5, 2015
