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Genie Bouchard was so confident that the New England Patriots were toast on Super Bowl Sunday that she risked it all on a whim, betting one of her myriad Twitter admirers that she’d go on a bet with him if somehow, someway, the Patriots came back to defeat the Atlanta Falcons in the Super Bowl.

Bouchard should know better than to mess around when Tom Brady is in the game. Lo and behold, the Patriots came from 25 points down to notch the biggest comeback win in Super Bowl History, leaving Bouchard face-to-face with a grim reality: She must go on a date with a complete stranger.

To Bouchard’s credit, she his honoring the bet.

Bouchard did a phone-in to Sportscenter this week, describing her emotions and giving some details on how she’ll arrange this date with the young man who apparently lives in Chicago and goes to school in Missouri.

“It’s fun and I’m going to follow through with it because I want to honor my word. You know it’s fun to have interactions like that with your fans.”

She added: “I think I was too confident, I just tempted fate too much. Yeah, here’s my punishment.”

Bouchard said she will fly the young man out to one of her tournaments, saying that she will pay for the flight but he will have to be a gentleman and “organize a fun date night."

Our Take: This is pure gold from Bouchard. She gets how important her fans are and will continue to be to her success and she's more than willing to engage and have a little fun with it. Why not have some fun with it, while at the same time honoring the bet and showing the world that she is a woman of her word? 
