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By Lauren Lynch
Photo Credit: Tony Chang/ Chang Photography

(March 22, 2011) Last December, Pete Sampras lost a wealth of trophies he had won at various tournaments including the Davis Cup, Australian Open, the Olympics, and much more after they had been stolen from a high security storage facility that he was keeping them in temporarily while moving homes. On Sunday, March 20, the LA Times reported that the items had been recovered in a seemingly suspicious trade off.

According to the LA Times, the trophies were found behind a Los Angeles hospital in cartons by police on Saturday. This took place after Anthony Salerno, Sampras' lawyer and private investigator, had some surreptitious negotiations with a lawyer, who claimed to be representing the trophy robber, under the conditions that the memorabilia was returned. However, the catch is that they had to agree to take no further action against the offender and that the thief could keep Sampras' other personal items like his furniture. There has been no details given about how  the robbery took place.

Good News: Sampras has his prized trophies back!

Bad News: Weird and strange dealings, while he still lost personal items and he has to live with the fact that the thief will never have to pay for his crime that could be very well committed again seeing that this person was able to get past security measures.


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