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Second Serve


In his first round match today at the Farmers Classic in Los Angeles, James Blake was quietly on his way to defeating Leonardo Mayer of Argentina when a VIP fan showed up to cheer him on.

Miss Serena J Williams
hobbled onto the court to take her seat in the third row just behind Blake's chair, entirely overshadowing the events on court. The cameras turned her way, reporters readied their notepads and questions, and I presume most of the audience forgot why they'd shown up in the first place.

But Blake didn't need much push from Serena. He looked healthy and fresh, and was moving well in his airy (read: baggy) new ensemble from Fila. It was a treat to see him in top form.

Serena may not have been in top physical form, but she looked fabulous. Flanked by her agent, Jill Smoller, and two girlfriends, Serena and her glam get-up outshone the fanciest WAGs-to-be in the box seats. Boot and all, the girl looked hot.

Blake was done with Mayer pretty quickly after that, and stepped up to the mic to answer a few post-match questions. Honestly, we're not quite sure what he said. Serena's cross-court exit was captivating.
