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CPCT will launch additional adult sports classes in 2013, including cardio and instructional tennis.

GAMMA releases three racquets -- the RZR 95, RZR 105 adult racquets, and the RZR 100 Junior 25 racquet -- completing the RZR racquet line for 2013.

GAMMA announced the release of new strings for 2013.

With the new configuration, the USTA hopes for more play opportunities -- and to improve the social and competitive atmosphere -- among USTA league members.

The USTA checked in with coaches at the ITA Coaches' Convention over the weekend in order to clarify the new guidelines governing junior competition. ZooTennis gives her recap of the town hall meeting and her insight into the changes.

The last leg of the ATP Champions Tour 2012 is in Rio -- the Grand Championships -- from December 17 to 20. Wayne Ferreira, Thomas Enqvist, Henri Leconte, Fabrice Santoro, and Marcos Daniel are all participating.

Tennis players celebrating birthdays the week of December 16-22.

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