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Video: Jelena Djokovic Won’t Translate Nole’s Tantrum

Johnny Mac and Jelena Djokovic have been teaming up to make ESPN tennis broadcasts a bit more lively.

Video: Timberlake, Fallon Whoop it up During Federer Night Match

When Roger Federer's blowout of Richard Gasquet got a little boring, a couple of celebs kept the crowd entertained.

Halep: Wimbledon Loss Changed Approach

"I didn't touch racquet for almost four weeks. I wanted just to forget about tennis," said Halep of her first-round Wimbledon loss.

James Blake Tackled, 'Cuffed by New York Cops in Case of Mistaken Identity

The 35-year-old American was simply standing in front of his hotel when tackled and thrown to the ground by police.

Video: Isner’s Wicked English Baffles Federer

For a brief, fleeting moment, John Isner was the Swiss maestro.

Video: Papa Fed Comes to Rescue of Crying Boy

The Swiss maestro doesn't just like how own kids--he likes all kids.

Roger Federer Qualifies for London Record 14th Consecutive Time

The Swiss maestro is going to London again in November.

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